The purpose of this page is to provide a resource that covers all aspects of the Luftwaffe (German Air Force) from 1935 to the present. This page is non-political does not condone ANY political party, since politics and politicians are the leading causes of warfare and death. This page is maintained by volunteers and will be expanded as time permits, please visit our sponsor as this helps defray the cost of hosting this site. The Luftwaffe Resource Page is the flagship page for the Warbirds Resource Group, feel free to check out the other resources available from the WRG at

Celebrating our 5th year serving Luftwaffe Enthusiast.
Founded March 1996. Last updated June 25th, 2001.

German Aircraft designation systems.
     Courtesy of Emmanuel Gustin.
German Aircraft Markings.
     Courtesy of Emmanuel Gustin.
German secret weapons and radar units.
     Courtesy of Emmanuel Gustin.
A listing of German-American ranks
A listing of German-British ranks