Messerschmitt BF 109
Design Features
As with the earlier Bf 108, the new design was based on Messerschmitt's "lightweight construction" principle,
which aimed to minimise the number of separate parts in the aircraft. Examples of this could be found in the
use of two large, complex brackets which were fitted to the firewall. These brackets incorporated the lower
engine mounts and landing gear pivot point into one unit. A large forging attached to the firewall housed
the main spar pick-up points, and carried most of the wing loads. Contemporary design practice was usually
to have these main load-bearing structures mounted on different parts of the airframe, with the loads
being distributed through the structure via a series of strong-points. By concentrating the loads in the
firewall, the structure of the Bf 109 could be made relatively light and uncomplicated.
An advantage of this design was that the main landing gear, which retracted through an 85-degree angle, was
attached to the fuselage, making it possible to completely remove the wings for servicing without additional
equipment to support the fuselage. It also allowed simplification of the wing structure, since it did not
have to bear the loads imposed during takeoff or landing. The one major drawback of this landing gear
arrangement was its narrow wheel track, making the aircraft unstable while on the ground. To increase
stability, the legs were splayed outward somewhat, creating another problem in that the loads imposed
during takeoff and landing were transferred up through the legs at an angle.
The small rudder of the Bf 109 was relatively ineffective at controlling the strong swing created by the
powerful slipstream of the propeller during the early portion of the takeoff roll, and this sideways drift
created disproportionate loads on the wheel opposite to the swing. If the forces imposed were large enough,
the pivot point broke and the landing gear leg would collapse outward into its bay. Experienced pilots
reported that the swing was easy to control, but some of the less-experienced pilots lost fighters on
Because of the large ground angle caused by the long legs, forward visibility while on the ground was very
poor, a problem exacerbated by the sideways-opening canopy. This meant that pilots had to taxi in a sinuous
fashion which also imposed stresses on the splayed undercarriage legs. Ground accidents were a problem with
inexperienced pilots, especially during the later stages of the war when pilots received less training
before being sent to operational units. At least 10% of all Bf 109s were lost in takeoff and landing
accidents, 1,500 of which occurred between 1939 and 1941. The installation of a fixed "tall" tailwheel on
some of the late G-10s and −14s and the K-series helped alleviate the problem to a large extent.
From the inception of the design, priority was given to easy access to the powerplant, fuselage weapons and
other systems while the aircraft was operating from forward airfields. To this end, the entire engine cowling
was made up of large, easily removable panels which were secured by large toggle latches. A large panel
under the wing centre section could be removed to gain access to the L-shaped main fuel tank, which was
sited partly under the cockpit floor and partly behind the rear cockpit bulkhead. Other, smaller panels
gave easy access to the cooling system and electrical equipment. The engine was held in two large,
forged, Elektron magnesium alloy Y-shaped legs, one per side straddling the engine block, which were
cantilevered from the firewall. Each of the legs was secured by two quick-release screw fittings on the
firewall. All of the main pipe connections were colour-coded and grouped in one place, where possible,
and electrical equipment plugged into junction boxes mounted on the firewall. The entire powerplant
could be removed or replaced as a unit in a matter of minutes, a potential step to the eventual
adoption of the unitized-powerplant Kraftei engine mounting concept used by many German combat
aircraft designs, later in the war years.
Another example of the Bf 109's advanced design was the use of a single, I-beam main spar in the wing,
positioned more aft than usual (to give enough room for the retracted wheel), thus forming a stiff D-shaped
torsion box. Most aircraft of the era used two spars, near the front and rear edges of the wings, but the
D-box was much stiffer torsionally, and eliminated the need for the rear spar. The wing profile was the
NACA 2R1 14.2 at the root and NACA 2R1 11.35 at the tip, with a thickness to chord ratio of 14.2% at
the root and 11.35% at the tip.
Another major difference from competing designs was the higher wing-loading. While the R-IV contract called
for a wing-loading of less than 100 kg/m2, Messerschmitt felt this was unreasonable. With a low wing-loading
and the engines available, a fighter would end up being slower than the bombers it was tasked with catching.
A fighter was designed primarily for high-speed flight. A smaller wing area was optimal for achieving high speed,
but low-speed flight would suffer, as the smaller wing would require more airflow to generate enough lift to
maintain flight. To compensate for this, the Bf 109 included advanced high-lift devices on the wings, including
automatically-opening leading edge slats, and fairly large camber-changing flaps on the trailing edge. The slats
increased the lift of the wing considerably when deployed, greatly improving the horizontal maneuverability of
the aircraft, as several Luftwaffe veterans, such as Erwin Leykauf, attest. Messerschmitt also included
ailerons that "drooped" when the flaps were lowered (F series and later the lower radiator flap operated as
part of the flap system), thereby increasing the effective flap area. When deployed, these devices effectively
increased the wings' coefficient of lift.
Fighters with liquid-cooled engines were vulnerable to hits in the cooling system. For this reason, on later Bf 109
F, G, and K models, the two coolant radiators were equipped with a cut-off system. If one radiator leaked, it was
possible to fly on the second, or to fly for at least five minutes with both closed.

Gunston, Bill - The Encyclodepia of the Worlds Combat aircraft, 1976, Chartwell Books, Inc., New York
Brown, Eric, Captain - Wings of the Luftwaffe
, 1979, Airlife Publishing Ltd., Shrewsbury
Gunston, Bill & Wood, Tony - Hitler's Luftwaffe
, 1977, Salamander
Books Ltd., London
Donald, David - The Complete Encyclopedia Of World Aircraft, 1997, Brown Packaging Books Ltd., London
Scutts, Jerry - Messerschmitt BF109: The Operational Record
, 1996, Airlife Publishing Ltd, UK
Wikipedia - BF 109
Gunston, Bill - The Encyclodepia of the Worlds Combat aircraft, 1976, Chartwell Books, Inc., New York
Brown, Eric, Captain - Wings of the Luftwaffe
Gunston, Bill & Wood, Tony - Hitler's Luftwaffe
Donald, David - The Complete Encyclopedia Of World Aircraft, 1997, Brown Packaging Books Ltd., London
Scutts, Jerry - Messerschmitt BF109: The Operational Record
Wikipedia - BF 109