Bachem Ba 349 Natter "Viper"
A design born of desperation, the Natter was designed to be a point defense fighter to be stationed in the path of bomber formations. The fighter would wait for the formation to pass over and then
launch vertically. As the Natter neared the formation the pilot would fire his rockets and then climb above the formation and swoop down for a ramming attack. The pilot would trigger a release mechanism
immediately before impact and the cockpit section would seperate from the main fuselage.
Extensive testing was done, in which more than one pilot died, but the Allies overran the factory and launch sight and no combat missions were flown.
Extensive testing was done, in which more than one pilot died, but the Allies overran the factory and launch sight and no combat missions were flown.

A Ba 349A Natter, with it's nose cone removed, revealing it's armament of 24 Hs 217 Föhn (Storm) rockets.
Origin: Bachem-Werke GmbH, Waldsee
Type: Partially Expendable target-defence interceptor Powerplant:
Walter HWK 109-509C-1 bi-propellant rocket
Thrust: 4,410lb (2,000kg) thrust
(Vertical launch boosted by four 1,102lb (500kg) or two 2,205lb. (1000kg) solid motors.) Fuel:
Type: T-Stoff
Capacity: 95.7 Imp. Gallons (435 liters)
Type: C-Stoff
Capacity: 41.8 Imp. Gallons (190 liters) Dimensions:
Span: 3.6m
Length: (A) 6.02m)
Height (flying attitude): 2.25m
Type: Partially Expendable target-defence interceptor Powerplant:
Walter HWK 109-509C-1 bi-propellant rocket
Thrust: 4,410lb (2,000kg) thrust
(Vertical launch boosted by four 1,102lb (500kg) or two 2,205lb. (1000kg) solid motors.) Fuel:
Type: T-Stoff
Capacity: 95.7 Imp. Gallons (435 liters)
Type: C-Stoff
Capacity: 41.8 Imp. Gallons (190 liters) Dimensions:
Span: 3.6m
Length: (A) 6.02m)
Height (flying attitude): 2.25m
Empty: 1,940lb (800kg)
Loaded (with boost rockets): 4,920lb (2232kg) Performance:
Maximum speed:
Sea level: 497mph (800kph)
At high altitude: 621mph (1000kph)
Rate of climb: 36,417ft (11,100m)/min
Range after climb: 20-30 miles (32-48km)
24 Hs 217 Föhn 73mm spin-stabilized rockets Or
33 R4M 55mm spin-stabilized rockets Or
Proposed: Two 30mm MK 108 cannon each with 30 rounds.
Empty: 1,940lb (800kg)
Loaded (with boost rockets): 4,920lb (2232kg) Performance:
Maximum speed:
Sea level: 497mph (800kph)
At high altitude: 621mph (1000kph)
Rate of climb: 36,417ft (11,100m)/min
Range after climb: 20-30 miles (32-48km)
24 Hs 217 Föhn 73mm spin-stabilized rockets Or
33 R4M 55mm spin-stabilized rockets Or
Proposed: Two 30mm MK 108 cannon each with 30 rounds.